Voice Over IP (VoIP) Setup Link to heading

  • Configured VoIP communication using Asterisk (PBX) on Ubuntu, creating clients and enabling IP-based communication.
  • Deployed the system on AWS EC2 and Docker for scalability and containerization.
  • Tools: Asterisk, FreePBX, Rsync, Linux

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Link to heading

  • Designed an ALU for performing basic arithmetic operations as part of the Digital Logic Design course project.
  • Skills: Critical Thinking, Digital Logic Design (DLD)

Cryptography Project Link to heading

  • Implemented RSA encryption and decryption for secure communication.
  • Configured a Certificate Authority (CA) to issue server certificates and hosted it using Apache.
  • Tools: OpenSSL, Linux, VirtualBox, RSA Security

Programming for Cybersecurity Link to heading

  • Developed Python scripts for brute-force simulations, data scraping, and IP validation.
  • Tools: Python, GitHub, Cybersecurity

Airline Management System Link to heading

  • Built a C++ application for managing airline operations, emphasizing OOP principles.
  • Tools: C++, GitHub, Linux

Super Store Management System Link to heading

  • Created a C-based application for inventory and sales management.
  • Tools: C, GitHub, Linux

Monit Deployment Link to heading

  • Implemented Monit for server monitoring and automation of error detection.
  • Fine-tuned alert mechanisms to ensure system stability and efficiency.

Custom Cloud System Link to heading

  • Designed and set up a self-built cloud system using Ubuntu Server.
  • Implemented real-time monitoring with Monit to ensure system stability and resource management.
  • Utilized tools like Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS, Monit, and Email Alerts for efficient management and monitoring.

LLM Voice Assistant Link to heading

  • Conducted testing and evaluation of a Large Language Model (LLM)-powered voice assistant.
  • Focused on improving accuracy and user experience.

Encryption System Link to heading

  • Designed and implemented an encryption system using RSA security principles.
  • Enhanced data security in a custom application.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) Link to heading

  • Integrated RAG with APIs to create a dynamic knowledge retrieval system.
  • Optimized the pipeline for real-time data access and processing.

FAST Aggregate Calculator Link to heading

  • Developed an aggregate calculator for FAST entry test scores during an internship at Erudite Coaching Centre.
  • Tools: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, GitHub, Linux

Note: Link to heading

  • Project documentation and media related to the above projects are uploaded on LinkedIn Projects.